
Students in class

Diversity at Northland

Promoting appreciation of cultural diversity and ethnicity

Our goal is to provide services for students from diverse backgrounds in areas of recruitment and retention within our campuses.

Northland Diversity Statement

It is an integral part of Northland Community & Technical College’s mission to acknowledge, understand, value, and celebrate the diverse heritage, cultures, and individuals within our learning environment and communities. The college views diversity as an essential component of the educational experience of our students. Diversity is an indicator of our success in adapting to the dramatic demographic shifts that will occur in the decades ahead.

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Documents & Resources

Helpful documents, resources, and tools to find more information about diversity efforts at Northland.

International Students

Our doors are open.

Hello ~ Chao ~ Buenos dias ~ Hola ~ Bonjour ~ Sidee Tahay ~ Sabydee ~ Derd ~ Ahoy ~ Tam biet ~ Zdravo

Northland continues to value international exchange. Our doors are open, and we welcome students from around the world. Learn more about our international student admission process and application.

Students studying with laptop