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HIPAA Training Module


The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is designed to ensure that all protected health information (PHI) be kept private and secure by all persons who handle, or have access to, that information. Therefore, all Northland students enrolled in Health and Human Service programs that come in contact with PHI as part of their educational or work responsibilities must complete this online training module. Allied Health and Human Services students are expected to complete the module annually.


To successfully complete this training module, complete the following:

  • 1) Review the HIPAA training video presentation below. (For some programs viewing the training will be part of a course assignment.)
  • 2) Complete the Post-Test when requested to do so by your program/course instructor.

HIPAA Training Video

Northland HIPAA Training Module

Please Note

Patient confidentiality cannot be emphasized enough. The patient has the legal right to confidentiality of all aspects of his/her care and the health care provider has a legal responsibility to safeguard the patient’s confidential information. No student is to give information concerning a patient or occurrence to the newspaper, lawyer, patrol officer, or anyone not on staff at the clinical facility. Conversation related to patients is permitted only in the clinical conference areas and the classroom. Patients or any clinical occurrences are not to be discussed in public places such as the cafeteria, student lounge or at home. Any information received from the clinical site or computer must be carefully scrutinized to remove any identifying information relating to the patient before it is removed from the clinical environment

Failure to respect patient confidentiality may result in immediate dismissal from the program.